Local Attorneys with Local Knowledge.
Local Attorneys with Local Knowledge.
Regular: A regular member of the Cattaraugus County Bar Association is: Any lawyer or Judge who: (1) resides within Cattaraugus County or has a law office within Cattaraugus County or a geographically adjoining County; (2) is a member of the New York State Bar in good standing; (3) has applied for membership (other than honorary membership) to this Association; and (4) the fact that the applicant has met the foregoing criteria is approved by the membership at a regular meeting.
Regular Non-Voting Member: a regular non-voting member of the Cattaraugus County Bar Association is: Any lawyer who: (1) is a member of the New York State Bar in good standing; (2) has applied for membership (other than honorary membership) to the Association; and (3) is approved by the membership of the Association.
Honorary: An honorary member of the Cattaraugus County Bar Association is: (1) any lawyer who is retired from the practice of law and who was a member of the Bar in the State of New York in good standing on the date of retirement and thereafter, and practiced within the County of Cattaraugus; or (2) all Superior Court Judges residing in this County.
Section 1. Dues. Annual dues are payable on or before February 28th of each calendar year, as set from time-to-time, but not later than June 31st of each year for that year by the Executive Committee of the Association.
Section 2. Non-payment of Dues. Dropping from Membership and Reinstatement For. A member six (6) months delinquent in dues will be dropped from membership. For any member dropped from membership on account of non-payment of dues, subsequent payment of dues to date shall automatically reinstate such member to full membership of the Association.
Section 3. Members in Military Service. Members who are in the military service of the United States shall be exempt from the payment of dues unless such service becomes a member’s permanent vocation.
Section 4. Rates. Dues rates will be set on a year to year basis with Honorary members paying no dues whatsoever and Regular Non-Voting Member’s paying a higher rate than Regular Members.
Section 1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at a place and on a date to be selected by the Executive Committee. Time and place of the annual meeting shall be during the annual holiday party/meeting. At that meeting, officers shall be elected.
Section 2. Monthly Meetings. Monthly meetings shall be held at the time, date and place to be designated by the Executive Committee. Business may be transacted at such meetings if a quorum is present.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee or may be called by the Secretary-Treasurer on request of any ten (10) members in writing. Members shall have 5 days advance notice of the time, place and object of the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum. At all meetings, 1 officer and 12 voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Civility and decorum shall be expected during the conduct of business. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings.
Section 1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Committee. He/She shall perform all duties ordinarily incident to the office, and shall recommend such action as is deemed proper.
Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President; plan programs in cooperation with the Executive Committee; and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President of the Association.
Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer may keep Minutes of Meetings, send out notices, shall be custodian of correspondence files, and must turn over all Association records and correspondence to the successor in office. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the Association, and shall deposit its money in a manner approved by the Executive Committee. He/She shall submit at the annual meeting a report of monies received and expended, amounts due to the Association, and an estimate of the resources and expenditures for the ensuing year. The Secretary/Treasurer shall also be responsible for operating the lawyer referral service unless designated to another Regular member with consent of the Executive Committee. The office of the Secretary/Treasurer may be divided with two Regular Members filling the positions by a motion and vote carried out in the same manner as described herein.
Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, the four (4) most recent past Presidents of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall meet at the annual meeting of the Association and present at the annual meeting a slate of officers for consideration by the membership. The slate of officers shall be presented to the membership by the outgoing President. The members shall then elect the officers, also receiving (if any) nominations from the floor. The election for officers shall be by majority vote of the members of the Association then present.
Section 2. Vacancy. Any vacancy of office must be appointed by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Designation of Standing Committees. There shall be standing committees on:
1. Nominating Committee;
2. Executive Committee;
3. Legal Aid Committee;
4. Law Day USA Committee;
5. Membership & Entertainment Committee;
6. Real Property Committee; and
7. Committee on Rating of Judicial Candidates.
Section 4. Jurisdiction of Standing Committees.
(1) Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, the four (4) most recent past Presidents of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall meet at the annual meeting of the Association and present at the annual meeting a slate of officers for consideration by the membership. The slate of officers shall be presented to the membership by the outgoing President. The members shall then elect the officers, also receiving (if any) nominations from the floor. The election for officers shall be by majority vote of the members of the Association then present.
(2) Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Association. The Executive Committee shall schedule and implement programs for such meetings, including programs of continuing education for members of the Association. The Executive Committee shall further do such other acts as may be necessary, from time-to-time, to continue the ongoing business of the Association, and such other acts as required by the Association at a regular meeting.
(3) Legal Aid Committee. This committee shall have jurisdiction of all questions in the field of legal aid with respect to: (1) administration of justice as it affects poor people in the County of Cattaraugus; (2) remedial measures intended to assist poor persons in the protection of their civil rights; (3) the establishment and efficient maintenance of legal aid organizations; and (4) cooperation with the other agencies, both public and private, interested in these objectives.
(4) Law Day USA Committee. This committee shall annually prepare a program for public participation in Law Day ceremonies and other activities. It shall work in close cooperation with the State Bar Association and the American Bar Association in furthering Law Day programs of those Associations.
(5) Membership & Entertainment Committee. This committee shall encourage applications for membership in the Association, and shall formulate and recommend plans to the Executive Committee for maintaining and increasing membership. It shall have the responsibility of giving effect to such plans as are approved by the Executive Committee and make recommendations regarding activities for the membership which may enhance participation and enrollment.
(6) Real Property Committee. This committee shall monitor changes in procedure and law affecting real property within the State of New York and the County of Cattaraugus, and make recommendations for change in the standards for title examination previously adopted by the Cattaraugus County Bar Association.
(7) Committee on Rating of Judicial Candidates. The Rating of Judicial Candidates Committee shall examine, analyze and respond to requests from the New York State Bar Association for the rating of judicial candidates’. [Description of this Committee will be read at the annual meeting]. Adopt from New York State Bar Association.
Section 1. Appropriations of Association funds for officers and committee expense shall be made by the Executive Committee.
By-Laws may be adopted, amended or rescinded by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any annual, regular or special meeting, provided that notice of such proposed changes shall be given to all members one week in advance of the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.
The name of this Association shall be the Cattaraugus County Bar Association.
ARTICLE II: Objects and Purposes
This Association shall have as its object and purposes:
1) The cultivation of the science of jurisprudence.
2) The promotion of reform in the law.
3) The facilitation of the administration of justice.
4) The preservation of the high standards of integrity, honor and courtesy in the
legal profession.
5) The exertion of influence of good on the life of the community.
6) The establishment of a closer relationship and cooperation with the New York State Bar Association and through it with the American Bar Association.
7) The cultivation of the spirit of brotherhood and good fellowship among the members.
ARTICLE III: Membership & Governance
Section 1. Eligibility. Any lawyer having his/her law offices in this County who is a member of the Bar in this State in good standing, may become a member of this Association upon application and payment of dues.
Section 2. Classes of Membership. The By-Laws may provide for all matters pertaining to membership and governance of the Association.
ARTICLE IV: Executive Committee
Section 1. Members. There shall be an Executive Committee of this Association consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and two members elected by a majority vote of the Association, whose duties shall be to plan the Association’s activities, to represent the Association, and to manage its affairs during intervals between meetings.
Section 2. Vacancies. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancies except that of the President, occurring from any cause among the officers of the Association, such appointees to hold office for the balance of any unexpired term.
Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Committee meets monthly and additional meeting may be called by the President or upon written request of any (number) of its members.
ARTICLE V: Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees. Standing committees of this Association shall be:
1. Nominating Committee;
2. Executive Committee;
3. Legal Aid Committee;
4. Law Day USA Committee;
5. Membership & Entertainment Committee;
6. Real Property Committee; and
7. Committee on Rating of Judicial Candidates.
Each committee shall consist of a chairman and as many members as the President shall designate, to be appointed by him/her. Unless otherwise designated in the By-Laws, all committee appointments shall be for a term of one year. Duties of the committees shall be specified in the By-Laws. Copies of annual reports of committees may be forwarded to the New York State Bar Association upon request except on special direction of the Association to the contrary.
Section 2. Special Committees. The President may appoint special committees and define their duties. Special committees shall automatically cease to exist at the end of the term of office of the appointing President, unless continued by the new President.
The Association shall adopt By-Laws for the conduct of its affairs, in harmony with this constitution, and with the constitution of the New York State Bar Association.
ARTICLE VII: Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, at any annual meeting, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, provided that written notice of proposed amendments shall have been sent to the member not less than ten (10) days in advance of such meeting.
ARTICLE VIII: Effective Date
This constitution shall take effect on January 1, 2015.
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